Experience Mapping

Experience mapping is a sophisticated research technique that visualises the complete user journey across all touchpoints. Drawing from service design principles and customer experience management theory, we create comprehensive maps that reveal both opportunities and pain points. Our approach incorporates Service Blueprint methodology (G. Lynn Shostack) and Customer Journey Mapping frameworks (Adam Richardson).

The Outcome

Through our experience mapping service, you'll gain a holistic understanding of your users' journeys that reveals both obvious and hidden opportunities for improvement. The resulting deliverables provide a clear visualisation of the entire user experience, from initial awareness through to long-term engagement. This comprehensive view includes detailed emotional states, pain points, and moments of truth, all contextualised within your business operations. The maps serve as powerful tools for alignment across departments and inform strategic decision-making at all levels of your organisation.

Our Workflow

A detailed analysis report that includes a visual representation of your market position, competitor profiles, and strategic recommendations to enhance your competitive edge.

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