A scream in pullets face
A compelling documentary that unfolds the poignant narrative of the Syrian people's unwavering pursuit of freedom, boldly challenging tyranny's grip on their lives. Through the heartfelt accounts of three remarkable Syrians - the artist Fadwa Suleiman, the talented Mai Skaf, and the courageous journalist Naji Al-Jarf - the film traces the revolution's genesis, tracing their personal journeys from the spark of dissent to their ultimate departure.
The team
Alaa Al-Ahmad
Anas Al-Maarawi
Klmen Abu Hawwa
Ali Al-Ismail
Ahmed Warda
Majd Eid
Ghayad Daoud
Muhammad Hussein Al-Daghim
Hossam Makiya
Abu Al-Fidaa Al-Hamawi
Sameh Jabbouli
Farhan Matar
Line Producer
Reda Fayez
Azhar George
Basil Ezzedine
Nasma Hossam Aljizawi
Tahir Muqris
Abdel-Wareth Lahham
Muhammad Al-Qari
Amer Mahmoud
Online Editor
Raed Abbas
Alekandar Jovanovic
Production Manager
Abdul Jalil Jizawi
General Supervision
Fadi Fawaz Haddad
Directed by
Youssef Al-Jundi
The Film